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Test Case Summary Section




This section is critical to DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations. It tells them where each test case is located within the Solution document.


Unless additional columns are required, the management of this section should be left to the relevant Test Case operation.


Do not delete it.


As a section, it is semi-structured:

  • Bookmark = V_TestCaseSummary. DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations use this bookmark to navigate to the section;

  • Title - can be any text up to 200 characters, but the Microsoft Word style should begin with I_Heading or I_Appendix;

  • Body Text - can be any text up to 1,000 characters. The Microsoft Word style should be I_BodyText;

  • Table - must contain at least two columns with heading text Test Case ID and Test Case Name. Other columns can be added, but they will be ignored by the DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations. A Description column is recommended.


When creating a test case, use the Create Test Case operation, which automatically adds a row to the table and adds the Test Case ID as a link to the bookmark in front of the test case title itself.


The Test Case ID and the Test Case Name in the table must match the test case title, which consists of the Test Case ID followed by the Test Case Name, separated by a single space.  Any mismatch may result in the DoxRunner's Script operation returning an error. For example, the first record in the illustration below shows Test Case ID "CEP001" and Test Case Name "Cane Volume Estimation Process". The title of the test case must therefore be:

"CEP001 Cane Volume Estimation Process".


Relationship with Script Name


The script name is not recorded anywhere, but, for the DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations to work, it must begin with the Test Case ID followed by a space. The text after the space is not checked at all by the DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations (other than for valid characters and length), although there is benefit in making them similar.


This means that you can have several versions of a script per test case.


For example all of these are valid script names for Test Case CEP002:


CEP002 Mill Staff Hiring

CEP002 Mill Staff Hiring Version Two

CEP002 Version 2

CEP002 Staff 2021-01-09 a


Note that they all start with "CEP002 ", but the remaining name can be anything.




Test case navigation


The Test Case ID in the Test Case Summary section consists of a link to the bookmark immediately in front of the title of the actual test case, as shown in the image below.


The DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations use this link to navigate to test cases.


This link is automatically managed by the DoxRunner's Test Case and Script operations when the test case is created, copied, renamed, or deleted, so there is little need to manually manage it, unless to rectify mistakes.




Managing the Test Case Summary section


Because it is mandatory in the Solution document and should never be deleted, there is no process to create or delete it. If it is inadvertently deleted or corrupted, then it must be reconstructed manually, keeping the above elements in mind.


Feel free to add columns, but do not delete the two mandatory columns.


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