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Script Operations




Improving script development efficiency is the ultimate goal of documenting test cases in the special way described on these pages.


The efficiency starts with recording a raw script - only the Transaction Timer numbers are typed in while recording. The DoxRunner application fills in the details that the scripter would normally need to.


After recording, processing a raw script by the Process Raw operation applies the definitions and configuration in the test case in such a manner that, for a properly documented test case, the script will, on average, be 70% complete.


There is a one-for-one relationship between a test case and a script. There can be multiple recordings of that script, but with each recording the work of the scripter is reduced.

Post Recording


Post Recording


Review all lr_start_transaction() functions, looking for steps that generated no request - consider deleting them and, optionally, renumbering the remainder.


If renumbering them in the script, don't forget to align the Steps table in the test case with the new numbers.


Review all requests that don't belong and delete them. Typical examples are requests to Google or Microsoft.


Do not alter the format or anything else in the script.


Save it into the Scripts folder that is configured in the Configuration section.




Finalize script


It is rare for the Process Raw operation to do everything. After it has completed, you will need to review it and tailor it.


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