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Process NFR Rules




This section is optional. It is currently ignored by DoxRunner operations. Consequently its purpose is for documenting requirements only. The table in it is oriented towards response times, but the text can document other types of NFR.


All of your NFRs should be documented here anyway, tailored and summarized for performance testing the solution. Often they are written in external documents in ways that don't match how performance testing uses them, and they may be in multiple documents. Placing them here ensures they are all in one place for team members to easily reference. They tend to be fairly stable, but since they may change from time to time or get added to, it's worthwhile reviewing this section regularly.


If you have no intention of documenting NFRs, then feel free to delete this section.








There is a relationship between the ID column and the Response Time NFR in the Steps table of all test cases as shown in the diagram below.


As a section, it is highly structured:

  • Bookmark = V_NFRs

  • Title - can be any text, but the Microsoft Word style should begin with I_Appendix.

  • Text - can be any text up to 1,000 characters. The Microsoft Word style should be I_BodyText.

  • Table - described below.



NFR table columns


The NFR table can contain multiple columns. The following list is a guide only.


  • Category - A brief name given to the NFR;

  • ID - Links to the NFR column of the Steps table;

  • 90% - The percentile appropriate for the NFR - this can be any percentage;

  • Description - Describe the NFR and why it's important to the business.

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