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Process Raw Operation





A raw script is defined as one that was recorded using the steps described on the previous page.


That is, it only has lr_start_transaction functions, no lr_end_transaction functions, and the lr_start_transaction functions only contain a Step Number as documented in the Steps table of the test case. 


Processing this raw script involves checking it, then initiating the Performance Test Support application which then applies the rules documented in the test case, resulting in a script that is, on average, 70% complete.


The Process Raw operation also makes sure the script is saved at optional points so that manual updates are not lost if it's re-run.




Characteristics of a raw script


A raw script will have only lr_start_transacion functions, and no lr_end_transactions.


Each lr_start_transaction will only have the relevant step number in it, not the step name (only digits, no letters).


All steps will be in Action.c (that is, no other script file will contain steps).


All step numbers will be sequential (gaps in the sequence are OK).


No values are parameterised unless thay were defined in VUGen.


Only web_reg_find functions that conform to VUGen rules (that is, <title> </title>) will exist.


Think time will be as recorded.


The illustration below shows the files and folders that are typically created when a raw script is saved. Contrast that with the files shown in the illustration where a raw script was processed by the Performance Test Support application.




Check the raw script


After recording it, open it in VUGen and check that the lr_start_transaction functions are as expected. Fix any mistakes in the step numbering. Make sure they are sequential. Investigate any step that has no request. Steps with no request must be removed from the script. Consider removing it from the test case too (although it need not be).


Below is an example of a raw script with a couple of issues that you may encounter and may need to correct before processing it further.




Initiate the DoxRunner process


Open the Solution document and identify the Quick Access Toolbar icon that you defined when Getting Started. If you haven't done this, refer to here. The one in the diagram below is the one described in the Getting Started instructions.




Select the script


The Process Raw operation will gather and display the test cases listed in the Test Case Summary section.


You will typically choose one then press the Script Operations button. However you can choose more than one by adding them to the right hand pane before pressing the Script Operations button.




Select the operation


In this case the operation is Process Raw.


As shown in the screen below, the items above the Operations frame are Configuration Items extracted from the Configuration section. If necessary they can be changed here before continuing.


If they are OK, select Process Raw. The options will then display.



Other operations:




Select the options


The illustration below shows many options below the Operations frame. Follow the green More Details icon above to see what each option offers. When you are satisfied, press Apply.




Select the script


The screen below will only display if there is more than one script with the same Test Case ID.




Associate attribute pairs to parameters


This is a complex screen, so follow the More Details link to understand how to associate Attribute Pairs to various parameters that are defined in the test case.



Processed raw script


Once the process has completed, the dialog box shown on the right is displayed.


Press OK.


Check the script folder. It should look similar to the one shown in the illustration below.


You will notice a new sub-folder called ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport. This folder contains archived versions of the script and is described under Script archive below.


Open the script and check the following characteristics:


1. The following files may be generated based on the contents of the test case and the parameters that were associated by the scripter:

  • DatabaseOperations.c

  • iUser.dat


2. If the text data file salary.dat file existed in the Included Files folder, then it is copied from there. Otherwise it is generated based on the contents of the test case and the parameters that were associated by the scripter, and it will contain one line of dummy data which the scripter is expected to replace with real values. Once it is replaces with real values, there is benefit in making a copy and placing it into the Included Files folder in case a re-recording is required.


3. If the SessionManagement.c file existed in the Included Files folder, then it is copied from there and updated with steps from Phase LI, TI, and LO.




Check the processed script


Once processed, the scripter should inspect the updated script and continue to update it as he or she would normally do. As the script is manually progressed to completion, the  scripter needs to assess whether the test case needs to be updated as well. Any updates to the test case will be  valuable for the next recording, reducing manual effort each cycle.



Repeating the Process Raw operation


After the Process Raw operation you may find that you need to update the test case and re-run it, or maybe you need to select a different option. If so, the version that is selected for execution will be the one in the Raw folder, not the one in the normal script folder, as shown in the diagram below. The version in the normal script folder will be archived before the one in the Raw folder is used.




Script archive


Notice the ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder in the folder illustrated above. This folder contains the original raw script plus the newly processed script. Both of these are available should major mistakes be made during any manual modification.


The next section illustrates what happens when the Process Raw operation is repeated.


Use the Restore Files operation to restore any archived script.

First execution of the Process Raw operation


Second execution of the Process Raw operation



 The ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder is created within the script's folder.


 The raw script is copied to a sub-folder within the ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder.


 The raw script is processed by the Process Raw operation of the Performance Test Support application.


 The processed script is copied to another sub-folder within the ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder.


 The scripter may (or may not) make extensive manual changes to the script.


 The scripter decides to update the test case and re-run the Process Raw operation.


 The Process Raw operation saves a copy of the manually updated script to another sub-folder within the ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder.


 The Process Raw operation retrieves the original raw script.


 The Process Raw operation processes the original raw script with new test case details and / or different options.


 The processed script is copied to yet another sub-folder within the ArchivedByVUGenScriptSupport folder.


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