Prepare your PC
You must use a Windows PC suitable for Microsoft Word 2007 or later.
On all PCs that you intend to use for DoxRunner:
Ensure Microsoft Word (or Office) is installed;
Ensure you have the access to be able to install a Microsoft Word template that contains macros;
Ensure that you have the ability to execute the macros in a template;
Although VUGen isn't critical, it would be difficult to develop scripts managed by DoxRunner without it, in which case:
Ensure you have local admin access;
VUGen is installed.
Create one folder per solution
Use one of the two methods below depending on your version of VUGen and your personal preference.
Note: the folder structure can be on a network drive, which is the preferred method for a team.
Using your own solution
This is the only method for early versions of VUGen, and is optional for r12.00 and later.
Manually create folders for the following:
One to hold the solution's support files;
One to hold included files;
One to hold the scripts;
One to hold the DoxRunner application.
Create other folders as appropriate. Refer to the example below. Note that the example was created using VUGen r12.01.
When creating them manually, the script folder can be anything you like. The example uses _05 Scripts.
Example folders
Manually create these folders.
The support folder contains the documentation.
It can include the macro.
Using VUGen's solution
This option is only available for later versions of VUGen (r12.00 and later).
The name of this folder is not particularly flexible. If it's not suitable ignore this facility and use the steps on the left to create your own solution folder.
Open VUGen and press the Create link.
Type in a script name (it doesn't need to exist).
Type in a location. Use the Solution Name.
Type in the Solution Name again.
Press the Create button.
VUGen won't be used for any of the remaining steps in this procedure, so it can be closed.
Example folders
The Cane View solution file CaneView.itsln in the example below was created using VUGen r12.01.
Note that the scripts will be located in C:\Cane View\Cane View\.
All the folders are created manually.