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Creating a Test Case




When creating a new test case,  the user only needs to enter a test case ID and name. The DoxRunner application then copies the test case template and inserts it into the Solution document using the new ID and name.


An identifying bookmark is inserted in front of the new test case's heading and an entry is inserted into the table in the Test Case Summary section, with a link to the top of the new test case using the identifying bookmark as the target.


All bookmarks in the Test Case Template are also imported, and changed to include the Test Case ID. For example the bookmark to the Brief Description section for Test Case ID TC001 is changed from P_BriefDescription to P_TC001_BriefDescription.


Initial steps


  • Make sure you have completed all steps in the Getting Started pages;

  • Make sure you formulate the new Test Case ID carefully and conform to these rules:

The Test Case ID:

must begin with a letter and end in a digit;
must not have internal spaces;
must not be longer than 6 characters;
must not already exist.

The Test Case Short Name:

can contain any printable character, including internal spaces, up to 30 characters

The Test Case Long Name:

consists of the Test Case ID plus a space plus the Test Case Name;
must not be longer than 48 characters.

  • Open the Solution document;

  • Press the icon in the Quick Access toolbar that initiates the DoxRunner process as shown below:


Initiate it


  • Press the New Test Case button or the Test Case Operations button, depending on which one is displayed.



Name it


Enter a valid Test Case identifier in the form of:

  • A Test Case ID              and

  • A Test Case Name


Refer to the rules above.


Name it


The Apply button is enabled when a valid test case name is entered.


Create it


  • Press the Apply button.


Create it


The new test case is created using the Test Case Template, and inserted into the Solution document.


  • Press the OK button.




The main Performance Test Support form is re-displayed


  • The new test case is displayed in the left hand pane.

  • The New Test Case button is ready in case you want to create another one.




  • Select the test case to see the options that become available.

  • Or just press the Close button.

  • ​



Navigating to the new Test Case


  • With the Solution document open, scroll down until the Test Case Summary link comes into view.

  • Follow the link.


Access it


When the Close button is pressed, the Solution document comes back into focus.


At this point the Solution document is not saved.


Make sure you validate that the test case was integrated into it properly, then save it.

If the operation did not succeed, close it without saving and try again.




The Test Case Summary section is displayed.


  • Note that the Test Case ID column contains a link.

  • Check that the Test Case was integrated into the Solution document by following the link.




The cursor moves to the top of the Test Case.


At this time the Test Case can be documented. Refer to the test case page for details on how to do this.


Review it


Remember the Solution document must be explicitly saved.


Make sure you save it after validating that the new test case was created properly.

If the new test case wasn't created properly, close the Solution document without saving and try again.


If there are still problems, seek technical support.


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